Register for pre-admission with One MNET Health.

We will verify your registration within 24 hours.

We will confirm your date and time.
Get Started
Red Hills Surgical Center asks that you please complete your pre-admission process with One MNET Health. The website guides you through entering your medical history online to help us provide you with the best possible care and minimize long phone interviews and paperwork. Upon completion, your passport will be received by a pre-admission nurse and you will be contacted to verify your information and answer any questions you may have.
Help Completing Pre-Admission
Each page has a Help link you may click for assistance. If you are unable to complete online pre-admission, please call (850) 702-5376 (9am – 4pm) for assistance.
Surgery Times
Due to the nature of a surgical center, we are unable to finalize our surgery schedule until 2pm the day prior to your scheduled surgery. You will receive a call between 2pm and 4pm the day before your scheduled surgery to give you an arrival time.
How to Create Your Medical Passport Account
First time users of onemedicalpassport.com should click the green Register button and create an account. Answer the questions on each page and click save and continue. Once complete, you will be prompted to click Finish to securely submit your information.
Return users, login using your previously chosen login and password and make any needed changes or verify the information remains correct.